What to do after you become a Retailer?
  1. Login to your LoadCentral Webtool

    Go to https://www.loadcentral.net/. Your username is your registered mobile number (e.g. 63987654321). Your default password is 123456. Change your password upon logging in.
    This is your Webtool password or Second Level (SL) password.

  2. Change your Cellphone password or First Level (FL) Password from your Cellphone

    Type: CHANGEPW<space><Old Password><space><New Password>

    Send to LoadCentral Access Number depending on your Cellphone Network:

    SMART : 0920 945 6856 / 0920 945 6857

    GLOBE: 0917 866 2418

    SUN: 0922 850 4340

  3. How to Reset your Cellphone password or First Level (FL) Password from your Cellphone

    Type: RESET<space>SMS<space>Password

    Send to 0928 506 7310
  4. How to check your LoadWallet Balance

    Your Retailer account comes with a P500 loadwallet balance. You can check your loadwallet balance through the LoadCentral Webtool or through SMS.

    For SMS Inquiry Type:
    BAL<space><Your Password>

    Send to your LoadCentral Access Number

  5. How to start your e-loading business

    From your Webtool, select the product that your buyer wants to avail. Enter the buyer's number in the "Buyer's No:" then press "Sell Product" button.

    For SMS loading Type:
    <PRODUCT CODE><space><Your Password><space><Buyer's Number>
    Send to your LoadCentral Access Number

    e.g. To load Smart Eload Regular Economy (P60):
    SM60<space><Your Password><space><Buyer's Number>

    Send to Smart Access #: 0920 945 6856 / 0920 945 6857
  6. How to unlock your Webtool account:

    UNLOCK<space><Your Password>

    Send to your Access Number

  7. To prevent your account from being locked, login immediately upon receiving your registration confirmation and change your default password.

  8. What happens if I forgot my password?

    You should ask your Dealer to request from Uniwiz Trade Sales Inc. for the resetting of your password. Uniwiz will not entertain direct request from you.

  9. What happens if my retailer SIM and/or mobile phone are lost or stolen? What happens to my remaining wallet load?

    You must immediately notify us so we can deactivate or block your mobile number. You must then request to register another mobile number as your new retailer SIM. We will then inform LoadCentral by a written notice (fax or email) and request that the remaining balance in your old registered number be transferred to your new one.

  10. How can I get a transaction report?

  11. You can generate your own sales transaction report thru the LoadCentral webtool.